Friday, April 10, 2009

W.A.R. - Palin's AG pick - Too Radical for Alaska

Alaskans Together for Equality asks all reasonable, fair minded Alaskans to oppose Governor Palin's Attorney General nominee Wayne Anthony Ross (WAR) because he is too extreme and ideology driven to represent all Alaskans fairly.

In a letter he wrote to the Alaska Bar Association, WAR has referred to gay people as 'degenerates' and 'immoral' and described being gay as a 'perversion' that until recently, 'was a crime.' Such extreme comments are almost funny they are so wacko, but of course such hate speech is dangerous and even promotes discrimination and violence. Can such an extremist uphold the constitutional rights of gay, lesbian, and transgendered Alaskans fairly and without discrimination?

WAR has also worked against the rights of Alaska Natives and women. He has a long published record of his extreme views on many subjects.

Alaska needs and deserves an Attorney General who will represent all Alaskans and our interests, not his own radical agenda.

The entire Legislature is scheduled to vote on the confirmation of WAR on Thursday, April 16th. Please contact all the legislators you know, including your own senator and representatives and state your opinion about the confirmation of Mr. Ross as our Attorney General.

The Public Opinion Message (POM) system is an excellent way to communicate with legislators briefly and easily. Simply go to

Or visit the home page for the Alaska Legislature and find contact info for your Sentor and Representative:

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